Exellent int imely delivery for all our project executions.

Quality is what defind us



We are open to different and new ways of doing business. - Always there and willingness to modify one’s preferred way of moving forward.

Say hello

Obaro Integrated Gas Services Limited

Our comprehensive management service is backed by a commitment to performance designed to meet the needs of even the most demanding projects.

Get in Touch

Your calls are important to us , always feel free to reach us any day, anytime.

Lagos Office:
1A Eleko close, Oceanbay Estate off Orchahid Hotel Road by Lekki Tollgate,.

Lekki, Lagos State.

+234 806 802 4341, +234 818 734 4731


Delta State Office:
Plot 6 Obi Lane off Oseri Street, Ekiugbo,

Ughelli, Delta State

+234 803 565 2354


We procure & supply Goods, Services, or Sources
