Exellent int imely delivery for all our project executions.
Quality is what defind us
Obaro Integrated Gas Servives Ltd Limited is established on the paradigm of excellent service delivery that recognizes the need to align itself to the ever changing technology requirements while being sensitive to its environment, Competitors, Conducts and welfare of its employees to ensure a dynamic customer oriented focus.
Contact usObaro Integrated Gas Servives Ltd is dominantly an Engineering and Procurement Service provider, a multi-disciplinary company engaged in the provision of project implementation to Clients in the Private and public sectors in Nigeria. We have expanded over the years in capability and experience since the formation of the company.
In some cases, the variety of activities we carry out requires the assignment of a multifunctional integrated expatriate / local team for the project. We have developed a most efficient team composition in which some team members will deal with more than one aspect of project execution. This approach requires combination of jobs for the various team members through execution of a number of project activities.
We parades a team of experienced Engineers, Managers, Administrators and Technicians to effectively and efficiently manage affairs of the company at various levels. With the combination of our Engineering skills and professionalism braced up with modern technology, our company has been able to respond creditably to the challenging needs of our various clients.
Takes personal responsibility for job performance.
- Completes work in a timely and consistent manner.
- Sticks to commitments.
Our comprehensive management service is backed by a commitment to performance designed to meet the needs of even the most demanding projects.
Because cutting-edge technology is based on knowledge and ingenuity together, we realize our mission through our thinking and actions. This affects our conduct towards our customers, employees, suppliers, environment and society, as well as our enterprise
We are open to different and new ways of doing business. - Always there and willingness to modify one’s preferred way of moving forward.
We Achieve this by interacts with people effectively. Able and willing to share and receive information.
- Co-operates within the group and across groups.
- Supports group decisions and puts group goals ahead of own goals.